AI for everyone
Your Friendly AI companion
Mitu makes AI accessible and user-friendly for everyone, simplifying tasks and driving personal and business growth.
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Our solutions

Maximize your business.

Integrating Mitu into your business operations unlocks a new realm of possibilities with its AI-driven toolkit.

For small businesses

Mitu takes care of talking to customers, handling orders, and figuring out what sells best, all in one place.
Automates customer orders
With Mitu, your customers don't have to wait because you're busy with other orders, it ensures immediate attention and a seamless buying experience for every customer.
Instant customer support
Mitu answers customer queries in real time, improving your service quality and customer satisfaction.
Handles payment securely
Accept payments effortlessly within chats, enhancing the buying experience for your customers.
Delivers business insight
Get real-time analysis on how your business is doing. Mitu helps you understand customer behaviors and preferences, enabling you to tailor your offerings.
Predicts sales trend
Use Mitu's predictive analytics to stock up on what sells, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.

For start-ups

Mitu provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.
Business insight
Mitu leverages advanced analytics and large language models to provide deep insights into your business performance and customer behavior, empowering you to make informed decisions.
Customer support
Mitu offers an AI-driven, instant support on popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Utilizes natural language understanding (NLU) to provide accurate, immediate responses to customer inquiries, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Mitu utilizes AI to forecast sales and identify upcoming trends, helping you to stay ahead in the market by making timely adjustments to your inventory and marketing strategies.
Infrastructure management
Mitu empowers businesses to manage their digital infrastructure efficiently, from server maintenance to software updates, directly within the platform. This integration facilitates seamless oversight and maintenance of critical business systems, ensuring operational continuity and reliability.
Staff well-being recommendations
Mitu provides automated well-being recommendations to ensure your team remains productive and motivated, promoting a healthy work-life balance.
Project automation
Mitu simplifies project management by automating Jira workflows and ticket handling, reducing manual work and increasing efficiency in project execution.

For developers

With Mitu's API, developers can rapidly build AI applications, and accelerate the development process.
Integrate advanced AI capabilities
Tap into a comprehensive suite of AI functionalities, natural language processing, and predictive analytics to enhance your applications.
Access Pre-trained AI Models
Quickly deploy customizable, pre-trained models, significantly reducing development time and effort.
Enhance User Interactions
Improve customer engagement with AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that can be integrated directly into your applications.
Automate Data Analysis
Quickly analyze large datasets to uncover insights, patterns, and trends with Mitu's powerful data processing capabilities.
Streamline Workflow Automation
Use AI to automate repetitive tasks and workflows, increasing efficiency and allowing your team to focus on more complex challenges.
Seamless Database Integration
Connect Mitu's API directly to your existing databases, enabling fluid data access and manipulation for your AI-driven applications.

Integrates with all your tools

Easily connect Mitu to any of your work tools or platform in a very short period.